Visualize your clients' campaigns (and their competitors'). Ensure they are being aired in the desired spaces.
Create presentations with advertiser data or competitor/industry data.
Plan and react in real-time based on the analyzed data.
Know where, formats, position, and even how much is being invested in each campaign.
Receive or automatically send daily, weekly, or monthly reports.
Know where your competition is advertising, with which campaigns, and what the estimated investment is.
Plan and react in real-time based on the data.
Confirm or find out where, formats, position, and how much is invested in each campaign.
Confirm or find out where, formats, position, and which creatives are being aired in each medium.
Receive or automatically send daily, weekly, or monthly reports.
Easily detect advertising budgets to maximize your business results.
Search for new advertisers or increase investment from current advertisers.
Learn about the campaigns and investment that advertisers make in other media.
Send certifications of the ads to your clients.
Receive or automatically send daily, weekly, or monthly reports.